We're So Grateful You Requested The Intuition Map Video for Emotionally Sensitive Souls!

Are You Ready to Ignite the Fire of Transformation so you can create healthy and meaningful win-win relationships?

If you would like to accelerate your journey towards achieving inner fulfillment and living your purpose, watch the video below to see how we can empower you in the 7-Week Kokoro Transformation Program!

Our mission is to empower Emotionally Sensitive Souls to recognize and transform generational patterns of codependency and remove heavy emotions from childhood trauma, creating healthy and meaningful win-win relationships for generations to come.

Do You Want to Discover the Keys to Creating the Life You Desire?

😍 Watch the Video Below👇

Our Three Packages

Tier 1


Self-Care Support


  • FREE 5-Day Challenge

  • Free "Emotionally Sensitive Souls" FB Learning Group

  • Monthly LIVE Book Discussions

  • Occasional Bonus: LIVE Principle-Focused Workshops

  • Understand Your Unique Nature

  • Emotional Intelligence Education

See Calendar for Dates:

LIVE Sessions start every 2 Week

Tier 2


Affordable & Powerful


  • Includes Meditation App

  • All Tier 1 Benefits

  • Unlimited LIVE Group Sessions

  • 7-Week Program:

    • Five-Day Principle Foundation

    • Six-Week Meditation Program

  • Learn to Get a Customized Experience in a Group Setting

  • 90-minute Sessions

  • Principle Based

  • Mental Fitness Group Life Coaching Discussions

Includes Family Access for


Customized Group Sessions


Cancel Anytime

Interested in joining the Kokoro Community and have a few questions first?

Schedule a quick call here so we can help you get started.

Tier 3


Deeper & Faster


  • All tier 1 & 2 Benefits

  • 7-Week Group Program

  • Private Sessions 100% Focused on Your Unique Needs

  • Deeper Customization

  • Faster Results

  • 90-minute Sessions

  • LIVE Private Sessions

  • Meditation App


(Package Options Available)

Please Watch The Video Above Before Scheduling Your Free GPS Strategy Session

What to Expect from This Program

Healthy Boundaries

Do you find yourself saying yes when you want to say no?

The first 5 days, we’ll apply proven principles for establishing healthy boundaries. By recognizing codependent behaviors and understanding win-win relationships, you'll find inner strength to feel safe to ask for what you need. Ultimately, empowering you to create fulfilling, healthy relationships and co-create joy.

Self-Care Toolkit

Do you often ignore your own needs while giving everything to others, leaving you feeling the need to shut down?

In our 6-week meditation program, you will develop personalized routines to build resilience, sustain your well-being, and process emotions healthily to prevent overwhelm. Through this practice, you will feel empowered to navigate life without shutting down in response to others' emotions.

Follow Your Path of Purpose

Do you feel called to contribute to the world and uplift those around you but are uncertain of who you are or what your divine purpose is? Together, we’ll explore how to follow your intuition to discover your unique personal and professional purpose aligned with your intuitive gifts. Each 90-minute session combines LIVE Group Hypno with Life Coaching discussions so that you can live authentically as you live your purpose.

"Before Kokoro Creators, I was a drained, self-critical people-pleaser. At 70, I feared my limiting beliefs were too ingrained to change. My turning point came when I realized my self-worth and started practicing self-care, including daily recorded hypnotherapy sessions. Now, I'm happier, aware of my thoughts, and in control of my actions. I've lost 30 lbs, set boundaries, and embraced vulnerability. The weekly conversations and intuitive sessions with Pennie are transformative. When you join the Kokoro Community you will see you can achieve your dreams too."

– Charlene

Who is this for?

This Is Designed Especially for Emotionally Sensitive Souls Facing These Challenges:

Saying Yes When You Want to Say No

Do you struggle with setting boundaries and often find yourself saying yes when you want to say no?

Ignoring Your Own Needs

Are you exhausted from constantly giving to others while neglecting your own needs?

Overwhelmed by Others' Emotions

Do you feel overwhelmed by the emotions of others and unsure how to manage your own?

Uncertainty About Your Purpose

Do you feel inspired to make an impact in the world but are unsure of how your gifts can contribute as you live your divine purpose?

Meet Pennie Wilson

Hi, I’m Pennie Wilson, a Mental Fitness Life Coach, a certified hypnotherapist, author of "From Darkness to Light," and co-founder of Kokoro Creators. My mission is to create safe environments of growth for Emotionally Sensitive Souls to create habits of self-care, empowering them to build win-win relationships by using their voices to ask for the love they need and deserve. As a Christian Hypnotherapist, my intention is to create a unifying environment that is both spiritually rich and religiously neutral.

My journey in personal development began in high school, where I danced for six hours a day and participated in a drug-prevention youth leadership program. In college at Brigham Young University, I majored in Dance Education with a PE Coaching minor and worked in the transformative “What Matters Most” workshop by Stephen R. Covey.

I faced significant mental health struggles, hitting rock-bottom between my third and fifth child. During my third divorce, after 17 years of marriage, I recognized generational patterns of codependency and found healing through hypnotherapy. This is more and more every day allowing me to rewrite the core beliefs of my childhood and break free from generational cycles of codependency.

Today, my intuitive gifts as a Cognitive Empath (an Emotionally Sensitive Soul) enable me to create powerful strategies for guiding others. My coaching approach integrates breath-work, grounding, and visualization, empowering clients to shift their mindset from a state of fight or flight to one of intentionally creating joy.

It is a privilege and honor to walk beside you on this transformative journey as you uncover your inner strength and rewriting your story to create the fulfilling life you desire, deserve, and need.

Becoming My Best Self

"Since joining Kokoro Creators, I've transformed my fear of trusting others into confidently embodying my Higher Self. Previously feeling fearful and moving slowly towards my life's purpose, I now see myself smiling, experiencing greater love, and joyfully maturing in all aspects of life. The 5-Day Challenge laid a strong foundation for me to let go of negativity, embrace growth, and truly enjoy life. The hypnotherapist's guidance in addressing past hurts and fears has been transformative, allowing me to forgive, release pain, and cultivate a deeper desire for personal development. I highly recommend Kokoro Creators to anyone feeling stuck. "

- Jeff, an Exploring Adventurous Artist

Prioritizing My Self-Care

"Before joining Kokoro Creators, I struggled with poor self-esteem and felt utterly stuck. I was exhausted, both physically and mentally, and decision-making was incredibly difficult. Through the program, I learned to prioritize self-care, pay attention to my inner self, and turn negativity around. Meeting weekly kept me accountable, leading to visible improvements in my energy levels and decision-making abilities. I highly recommend Kokoro Creators to anyone feeling similarly stuck, as their approach helped me release negative energy and prioritize self-care daily."

- Brandi

Deeper Than Words

"Group Meditation has been surprisingly helpful to me. Some of what I need to process I feel is so deep that I don’t have words to talk about it directly with anyone. Group Hypno removes some of the roadblocks for me."

- P. V.

From Crisis to Calm

"I was skeptical at first but almost immediately I felt peace and calm from within. I felt like I could think clearer and I could TRUST my gut over my anxiety. The program guided me to discover the solutions that I needed inside myself and I gained a sense of internal empowerment."

- R. T.

Hear What a Few of Our

Clients are Saying

From Stuck to Empowered

"I used to be stuck in a place where most people would never want to go. In the past, I allowed it to define who I was. This program has opened up my eyes to set boundaries in my relationships. I am ready to step into my personal power!"

- G. B.

From Crisis to Calm

"There was one session specifically that helped me recognize the loss I felt of what might have been from being adopted at birth. During the Group session, I was able to grieve that fear and let go of the feeling of abandonment that I have struggled with my whole life."

- A. D.

Choose 1 Gift to Receive During Your GPS Strategy Session

8 Tangibles to Grab In The Storm

1. Establish Healthy Boundaries: Stop saying yes when you want to say no. Learn how to create healthy boundaries and prioritize self-care, leading to more joy in your relationships. Together during our meeting we will create an Emotional Boundary Map based on one specific need or trigger.

2. Understand Yourself: Gain deep insights into your emotional sensitivity and discover who you truly are. Walk away with a powerful mental image of The 3 Key Words Visual to help remind who you are at your core.

3. Recognize Your Needs: If you often feel unnoticed despite constantly giving, learn to recognize and address your own needs. Walk away with a clear 4 Step Plan for creating emotional safety and addressing conflict.

4. Boost Emotional Intelligence: Learn how to manage your emotions and support those you love more effectively. Receive a practical, powerful 4 Step Guide for emotional processing.

5. Reclaim Your Power: If you feel powerless in your circumstances, discover three things you can always choose. Leave with a new determination to choose what lies within your power, and a visual reminder of the 3 Big Things you can always choose, no matter your circumstances.

6. Maintain Calm and Love: To imagine being calm and loving all the time seems unattainable. As you learn the Principle of Gradual Growth, you will gain a vision for how you can manage your emotions and prevent outbursts that hurt those you love. Walk away with your One Next Thing that will create growth and progress on your Customized Gradual Growth Plan.

7. Build Emotional Resilience: Learn to navigate life's storms with confidence. When you understand the key strategy of FLOW, you will gain power to maintain control and resilience, even in challenging situations. Walk away with the clear recognition of the One Big Block that is stopping you from moving forward.

8. Discover Your Purpose: Do you feel an inner longing to know your unique purpose and how you fit into the bigger picture? Discover how to ask the right questions to guide you to the answers within yourself. Walk away with One Provoking Question that will help you gain insight into your journey.